Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Starve the Bastards Out

Since last February not a single cent of my family’s hard-earned money has gone to the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church run by a cadre of revolting creepy perverts who enthusiastically look the other way while things like Cardinal Theodore McCarrick destroy the lives of countless young men.

Now, we’re not the Rockefellers. In the grand scheme of things, my family’s giving slides more down the scale toward the widow’s two mites than the Pharisees sitting in the front row of the temple. When our finances were good we gave $100 a month to the Church via automated payments. When they were tight, like they are now, it was more discretionary and those payments stopped as we returned to cash in the envelopes. Something on the order of $25 a month; last year we gave around $300.

So none of the princes of the Church will take notice of our decision. Don’t think my parish priest will, either. But Someone will, and has.

And like our refusal to purchase any official NFL gear for my girls this past Christmas (perhaps $100 or $200), this small withholding is more a symbolic protest than anything else. Actually, it’s not a withholding, but a transfer. With the death of the Reverend Dr. Billy Graham in February, we’ve set up an automatic $25-a-month deduction to the Billy Graham Ministries in lieu of any giving to the lecherous cowardly cretins running the Catholic Church.

I wholeheartedly encourage you to do the same if you are Catholic.

Give elsewhere.

Please, give elsewhere.

And write your bishop stating your intentions.

Cutting the purse strings is the only thing these vermin will take notice of. Not parishioners, not the laity. Not investigative reporters. Certainly not the Pope, who seems to have no interest cleaning out this predatory homosexual infestation, this gay deep state. Perhaps they have something on him. They all have something on each other. Every single bishop and cardinal is blackmailable by someone. That’s the only reason why in the fifteen years since the scandal broke only the barest minimal legalistic maneuverings at reform have been done. Blackmail: that’s the only reason a slime mold like McCarrick was able to rise despite the open secret of his homosexual abuse over the past sixty years, and it’s the only reason why the bastard will never be defrocked.

Starve them out.

Do not give one cent until they are all gone.

All of them.

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