Monday, January 31, 2011

Way Too Whelmed

Hi. Not much of a post today, ’cause I got a lot to do. I’m meeting with a recruiter this afternoon, which may be promising. Also have to negotiate the dreaded labyrinth of phone hell to get some info on my unemployment benefits. I’m about three-quarters through transitioning to a bigger, faster PC, and I’m borrowing a friend’s flash drive, so I need to finish that and return it to him. Need to pick up a recently-repaired lamp so we can have light in our living room. Have to call the rectory to get a statement of our givings over last year for our tax prep. Oh, and have to locate a couple of medical bills and other miscellaneous bills for said prep.

(catch breath …)

Laundry and the house is a mess. Must drop off Little One’s Daisy Scout cookie order form to her troop leader’s home. Also need to take Little One to the park so she can do a Community Project on it for school (and the park’s buried under three feet of snow!). I finished Tolkien a few days ago, and I’ve been working here and there on a couple of posts about it. Need to do grocery shopping at some point, too.

(sigh …)

So tired but I can’t sleep. Need a shave and a haircut – feel like a hippie or an untended sheep. Still can’t seem to get up the energy to hit the exercise bike once a day, let alone twice a day, and I got a lung scan looming up in the not-too-distant future. Oh, and we’re due for some more snow tomorrow and sleet-slash-freezing rain the day after.

Happy happy joy joy.

But on a more optimistic and upbeat note, I should have something neat up tomorrow …

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All in the life of a stay at home parent! Lots of luck this afternoon...will be thinking of you...Always