Sunday, July 17, 2011

Biblical Worldview

Do you have a biblical worldview?

Since 1995, the Barna Group conducts a nationwide survey every five years on who holds a “biblical worldview.”

You can find a recent article about it, here.

What exactly is a “biblical worldview”?

Well, let me ask you a few questions.

Do you believe that absolute moral truth exists?

Do you believe the Bible is completely accurate in the principles it teaches?

Do you think Satan is a real being, not just a symbol or symbolic force?

Do you believe a person can not attain heaven simply by doing good works?

Do you believe Jesus lived a sinless life on this earth?

Do you believe God to be the all-powerful creator of the universe and everything in it?

If you answered “yes” to each of these questions, you have a biblical worldview.

In contemporary America, only 9 percent hold a biblical worldview.

I do. I am one of those 9 percenters.

Are you?

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