Wednesday, September 28, 2011


One of the things I fantasize about is what I would do with a gazillion dollars. Let's assume I pay off all my debt, set up my children's education, provide for me and wife's retirement, blahblahblah. What would I spend my time doing?

Most simply, what would give me the maximal joy, would be to research. I'd research, then I would write my conclusions.

Now, I've written before about respectable things I would study, had I the time, money, resources, and brainpower at my disposal. You could read all about that list, here.

This post will focus on the semi-respectable.

By semi-respectable, I'm talking mostly about fringe stuff. Unsolved mysteries stuff. Conspiracy-type stuff. In other words, stuff that held me enthralled from my youngest days exploring the library my mother worked in to now, when Science-with-a-capital-S dewey decimal 500s, or Sci Fi with the little rocket ship on the book spine, wasn't commanding my attention.

Stuff like this ...

What happend to Amelia Earhardt?

What happened to D. B. Cooper?

The myth and lure of Atlantis

Hollow Earth theories (I know, I know)

The Oak Island treasure trap (thanks, Leonard Nimoy)

What was housed at the Library of Alexandria?


The fate of the U.S.S. Scorpion

The decisions behind the A-bomb drop

The Lincoln assassination

The Rosicrucians (this stems from a childhood incident)

Nostradamus (thanks, Orson Welles)

Nikola Tesla and his assorted technological fringenesses

The Philadelphia Experiment

Mimetics and "mind viruses" (and the "Plato Truth Virus")

The Voynich Manuscript

Is there any sense in all that "Ancient Astronaut" stuff?

The legend of the Holy Grail

The Shroud of Turin

The Son of Sam / Jonestown / Three Mile Island / Love Canal / and/or other things that scared the heck outta me as a little kid

So many dots to connect, so little time!

Those of you who stop by here regularly know I like to read a book about the JFK assassination every November. I usually alternate between lone nut and conspiracy theory books each year. But I just realized something this past weekend. I skimmed through a book on "great mysteries of the 20th century" while watching the games last Sunday. The obligatory JFK stuff kinda bored me this time around. There was a 40-page chapter on Hoffa, but that made me feel somewhat dirty. So this November I'm seriously thinking about edumacating myself on something else a bit more fringe-y. Something that could very well be true ... and still raise the hair on my arms.

I'll let you know what it is, once I figure out what it is.

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