Saturday, May 26, 2012

New Best of the Hopper V

One for the lit geek cinephiles ... originally writ May 11, 2011

Will Munny meets Will Shakespeare

N.B. Will Munny is Clint Eastwood's gunslinger outta retirement from Unforgiven. Will Shakespeare is some guy who wrote a bunch of plays.

CALIBAN: As I told thee before, I am subject to a tyrant,
A sorcerer, that by his cunning hath
Cheated me of the island.

ARIEL (invisible): Thou liest.

CALIBAN: Thou liest, thou jesting monkey thou!
I would my valiant master would destroy thee.
I do not lie.

WILL MUNNY: Trinculo, if you trouble him any more in's tale,
by this hand, I will supplant some of your teeth.

TRINCULO: Why, I said nothing!

WILL MUNNY: Mum then, and no more. Proceed!

(The Tempest, Act III Scene II)

Or ....

CALIBAN: Pray you tread softly, that the blind mole may not
Hear a foot fall. We now are near his cell.

STEPHANO: Monster, your fairy, which you say is a harmless fairy,
has done little better than played the Jack with us.

WILL MUNNY: Monster, I do smell all horse-piss,
at which my nose is in great indignation.

(The Tempest, Act IV Scene I)

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