Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Aztec Holocaust

I’m reading through one of those “ancient mysteries” books. You know, the ones that claim earth was visited 10,000 or more years ago by “ancient aliens” who brought us down from the trees and civilized us. Only there was some cataclysm and all was forgotten, except for some pyramids and monuments in Central and South America, Egypt and Mesopotamia.


I don’t buy the hypothesis. But – I like the speculation. See, I really am a free thinker. I don’t march lock-step with contemporary Science; I like to entertain differing opinions. And then destroy them. No, seriously, I like reading borderline pseudoscience stuff like this because

a) I’m a writer and a science fiction buff

b) I enjoy having my mind expanded, even if it’s ultimate hookum


c) Occasionally it will spook me out.

Anyway, more on the book, perhaps, later. Today I want to comment on the Aztecs. In a completely non-PC way.

What an awful, horrible, demonic culture.

Now, I’m not an expert on the Aztecs. I know vaguely of them. I know of their bloodlust. A society completely centered on human sacrifice – infant, child, and adult. Up until last week I could probably score maybe 50% correct on a handful of Jeopardy questions about them.

Then, I read this book, and was completely appalled. One event in particular disgusted me. During one “holiday” 80,000 human beings were slaughtered to appease their gods. Or to frame it as they saw it, to postpone the end of the world. Well, at least for those besides the 80,000. But in order to kill that many people there needed to be four assembly lines ascending those death pyramids, at the front of each a squadron of priests yanking out still-beating hearts, working every minute of the day.

Is this not a Dante-esque vision of Hell?

Now and again you’ll hear moral relativists assert that it was a bad thing Columbus came to the New World. He brought with him evils such as disease and the slave trade. Most of that has been debunked, but that’s an argument for another day.

Christianity was also brought to the New World, in those early years of the 16th century.

But first, the canker that was the Aztec culture had to be excised mercilessly and completely, and the ground cleansed and sanitized. After reading the couple of chapters in this book, I actually said out loud: “Thank God Cortez came and wiped those b@stards off the face of the earth.”

How’s that for an un-PC statement? Un-PC: Sometimes it’s just plain common sense.

But let me go one step further and risk alienating the few who are still with me.

In the United States, since 1973, there have been at least 40 million babies aborted. In the United States, the beacon for the world, where freedom rings, the shining light on the hill. How can this be?

That stat is something like 4,000 babies a day. How can we call a barbaric, bloodthirsty culture like the Aztecs demonic when our own society kills that much innocent life? They killed to appease their gods, to put off a perceived end of the world. We kill to avoid a change in lifestyle, an extra mouth to feed, a possible dip in the tax bracket.

Which is worse, moral relativists?

Ugh. I need to take a shower.

Something more upbeat tomorrow.

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