Friday, June 24, 2022

Now This is Something to Celebrate!


As someone somewhere else has noted, hundreds and thousands of babies will survive because of the Supreme Court Dobbs ruling today. And that’s wonderful news.


As a reminder, I am pro-choice:


Four choices, actually.



1) Abstinence


2) Contraception


3) Adoption




4) Motherhood.



That’s it. Those are the only acceptable choices I’m willing to concede.


Great job SCOTUS. 


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Since I really don’t have a horse in this race cause men can’t get pregnant (see what I did there?), I’m probably not entitled to an opinion. I’ll give one anyway. While the thought of abortion is abhorrent, the libertarian in me says we are free to make our own choices *to a point*. There comes a point in a pregnancy where abortion kills a viable baby. I think there are acceptable reasons for abortion up to reasonable limits. Just like common sense gun control regulation I hear so often, there is room for common sense abortion regulation. And now, thanks to SCOTUS, each state gets to decide what’s right for them.
