Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Father's Day 2024



Was quite relaxing and enjoyable, as it usual is down here. I woke early and went for a mile-and-a-half walk listening to an upbeat podcast then the family went to mass at 11. Got back a little after noon and the Mrs. heated up some quiche for us all. I’m old enough to remember all that anti-quiche goofiness in the early 80s, but, dammit, yeah it was fluffy but the pie had eggs, cheese, and bacon in it, so I enjoyed it!


My goal was an unhurried, drama-free day, and that’s what the ladies gave me. A week ago my wife asked me for a dinner request, so I decided on stuffed shells and meatballs, and since she loves a challenge, she had to make it all from scratch. With help; Patch made the meatballs and is developing into quite the awesome little chef.


While all that was cooking in the oven we Facetimed my parents up in PA for a half-hour, then the Mrs. called her mom (her dad and stepdad both passed away in 2018). Then the girls had me open up cards and gifts. Patch bought me a record for my growing collection (just shy of 40 albums now) – Water Music Suite by Georg Handel, conducted by Pierre Boulez. Little One had a Rosary for me she picked up during her time in Rome in the spring and blessed by Pope Francis at one of the papal masses she attended. Awesome.


After dinner I was given the option of selecting a movie for all of us to watch together, and I chose M. Night Shyamalan’s Signs, one of my favorite flicks of all time that I haven’t seen in at least five years. We all enjoyed it to varying lengths, especially the Mrs., who probably hadn’t seen it since we saw it way way back in 2002 in the theaters.


A great day of R & R, rest and relaxation, recovery and recuperation. And recharging. Because by Monday morning my two angels reverted back to two typical teens, though I realize I am blessed to have two typical teens that are not as typical as the typical teen out there.

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