Monday, March 17, 2008

Hegel Project, cont.

The whole purpose of the Hegel project is to develop focus. I understand to the point of almost dread that such an undertaking will take a few months, not a few weeks. This is very hard for someone who habitually hops from one big thing to the next all the time. And I also understand that even a few months’ study will only scratch the surface of this man’s system of thought. But if I can get through this … it’ll be a personal first.

My plan is simple. The mystic Gurdjieff (or charlatan – I’ve read convincing arguments for both points of view), wrote that one should read a book three times. First, as you would skim through a newspaper article. Second, as if you were speaking it aloud to another person. Last, as if you were trying to fathom and comprehend the gist of what is being conveyed. Sounds right to me.

I want to focus on primary documents as much as possible. As I said in an earlier post, I have a 550-page paperback of selections from Hegel’s major works. There is little commentary. I also have access to The Philosophy of Right and The Philosophy of History from the Great Books series. My plan is to read through the paperback and the Great Book, straight through with no questions asked. Then, I’ll re-read them with greater focus. Slower, sentence-by-sentence if I must. Asking questions. Rereading paragraphs if I note them flying by without leaving a mark.

After the two read-throughs, I want to spend a week or two reading secondary sources of analysis and criticism. I have my old college text, Durant’s Story of Philosophy, and a thin book by Peter Singer summarizing Hegel’s life and work.

Then, a third and final reading, where I read with the expectation that I am going to teach the material to someone else.

So far, I’ve been fairly consistent in carving out half-hour blocks every day to read this. On that basis, I figure I can get this accomplished in four months (I know – most likely wishful thinking). And the driving reward is not necessarily to become a Hegelian, but to see how my focus, and my ability to focus, changes over this time.

(rubbing hands together)


(eye roll)

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