Thursday, March 26, 2009

Seven Last Words

Finished reading Death on a Friday Afternoon, a series of meditations on the last “words” of Christ spoken from the Cross. All I can say is that I am overwhelmed. It was a tough book to get through, requiring much concentration and a steady mind. Probably grasped a little over a third of what’s there. So it’s back on my bookshelf for another sparring session, perhaps after I get through the next two “spiritual” books on my reading list. If not, definitely for my Lent 2010 reading list, along with The Day Christ Died.

For the uninitiated, what are the last words of Christ?

According to the Gospels, there are seven phrases that Jesus spoke after he was nailed to the Cross and before he died. Each has meaning, much, much meaning. Neuhaus was able to write hefty chapters on each phrase, and theologians across the centuries added innumerable pages of commentary. One could spend a whole year, I suppose, studying commentary on those seven phrases and still only have a partial understanding of their power and purport. So my meager first reading, done in little snippets here and there over the course of four weeks, has only given me a rudimentary glimpse of Our Lord’s Last Words. Not nearly enough study to comment intelligently on them, so I won’t. But let’s state them at least, eh?

The First Word:

Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.
- Luke 23:34

The Second Word:

Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in paradise.
- Luke 23:43

The Third Word:

Woman, behold, your son! … Behold, your mother!
- John 19:26-27

The Fourth Word:

My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?
- Matthew 27:46 and Mark 15:34

The Fifth Word:

I thirst.
- John 19:28

The Sixth Word:

It is finished.
- John 19:30

The Seventh Word:

Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.
- Luke 23:46

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