Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Ear Food

OK, slow news day …

Saw a video of some congressional oligarch (unaware he was on camera despite sitting adjacent to another oligarch pontificating into a microphone) pick his ear, examine the findings, and put it in his mouth!

Truth be told, I didn’t watch the whole thing in its thirty second entirety; things like that gross me out to no end and I don’t actively seek them out.

But beneath the video travesty, buried in the numerous comments to the blog post, was the funniest thing I read in a long time.  So funny I kept chuckling about it all day throughout the day –

How do we know the congressman doesn’t pack his ear full of cottage cheese every morning so he has something to snack on throughout the day?

[I actually stifled a laugh so loud at work typing this that the person in front of me glanced backwards as if to say “This is work!  There’ll be no laughing here!”]

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