Wednesday, December 21, 2016


Ah, posting is sparse here because I’m in the final countdown with my tax training. In order to start preparing tax returns for the 2017 season (which technically begins January 23, 2017, though I will start work three weeks earlier), I have to complete:

32 hours of “Sales and Service” online / virtual training.

4 hours of “Tax Update,” also online, which details changes in the tax code affecting 2016 returns.

8 hours of “Sales and Service” training over 3 classes featuring role playing, group discussions, etc.

6 hours of Advanced Tax course material, consisting of two classes.

Last night was my final class of the five required, so all I have left is the virtual training. As far as that goes, I’m 11 hours in. All this has to be done by December 31, so I have ten days to do 25 hours of learning.  

Factoring in Little One’s band concert tonight (she’s first chair clarinet), last-minute gift buying, Christmas Eve with the family, Christmas Day with friends, and action-packed year-end tasks at work, it should be doable, but tight. Thank God my new job (now almost seven months in) gives me Friday the 23rd and Monday the 26th off. I’ll spend four or five hours each day in the basement in my little office staring at my laptop with headphones on. Oh, and that reminds me, have to stop in at the office I’ll be working in to see if my business cards arrived.

Much to do, much to do …

So, apologies, but posting has been scarce here for legitimate (read = $$$) reasons.

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