Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Little One's Speech

Scene: Morning, 7 am, ME driving LITTLE ONE to her high school in SUV

ME: So, what’s on your agenda today?

LITTLE ONE: Uh … I have to give a speech after lunch.

ME: Really? On what?

LITTLE ONE: Dyslexia.

ME (light bulb flashing on in cartoon bubble above head): You know what you should do?!


ME: Read the speech backwards!

* * * * * * *

She wouldn’t bite. I explained that she should award whoever figured out her speech first with a plea to the teacher to give that student an A for the day. What a perfect, unique twist to make her speech memorable. Then Little One countered that she’d probably get detention for pulling a stunt like that. And she’s probably right, unfortunately, in this overly touchy age we live in.

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