Wednesday, August 10, 2022



This young lady:



A mere tadpole in her mom’s belly when this blog began, has transformed into this beautiful young woman:



Who is just now suffering the agony of the first day of High School.


A lowly freshman, she has to undergo the indignity of first period gym all year. Although it’ll be held during the coolest part of the day, and although they’ll be primarily focusing on the sport she loves best, soccer, she’ll have to deal with being sweaty for the remaining six hours of the school day and not being able to apply her makeup to her demanding best.


I can sympathize. With the hate-being-sweaty part, not the makeup part.


I, too, put in my time in teenage purgatory oh so many years ago. In my day (says me all grandpa-like), physical bullying as a Freshman was a very real, almost daily occurrence. She has to deal with a far more insidious form of bullying, however, psychological and pseudo-sexual bullying, to which her generation, especially certain female members, are quite nasty at dishing out.


I wish her all the best. I know she’ll do well, and overcome all obstacles. It’s what she’s done in the past, and what she’ll continue to do.


I’m not going to say that I feel old today. Mature is a better word. Very, very, mature.


Good luck Patch! Love you with all my heart!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Our dear girl. So beautiful, smart and grown up.