My mother-in-law flew up here to stay with us for the next few days, cooking and caring for the Little One. Actually, Nana is renting a room at the Marriott the next town over, and my oldest daughter is excited about the sleepovers. The Little One has been nothing but fabulous dealing with her young sister, extremely loving and caring and curious. Jealousy has not reared its ugly head. If anything, my oldest wants to do too much for the newest addition, and is disappointed when we try to reel her in.
I still don’t have internet connectivity at home. Probably will have to have someone come out and pay to get everything up and running in the new basement writing office. I’d like to post some pictures of it as soon as I get all my boxes unpacked and everything’s in its designated space. I also have at least fifty used books to dispose of, so I’ll post the titles here in the hopes that someone, anyone, would be interested in buying some or any. You never know. One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.
Lotsa work still needs to be done around the house. In addition to unpacking our basement I have lawns to mow, banisters to reinstall, furnances to fire up, parties to plan, clothes to clean, a toddler’s room to renovate, and more than a few ideas to brainstorm for other projects. Busy busy busy. I go back to my stimulating and meaningful job on Tuesday, so I have much to accomplish in the next eighty-six hours or so, sleep deprivation be damned! And I have a sliver of guilt gnawing at my edges for missing a couple of blog posts, understandably, this week. So I’ll be double-posting over the next few days until my average of a post-a-day is regained.
Again, thanks to everyone who’s been helping out, visited, called, sent flowers or gifts for the Littlest One, and has had us in their thoughts and prayers. All truly appreciated. All is well with the world.
Here’s the Little One holding the Littlest One, two days ago in the hospital:
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