Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Under the Weather

Sick again.

Flu-like symptoms, possibly given to me from the Littlest One, possibly as revenge for letting everyone with an Internet connection know we call her Chucklepatch. Hard to think and stay awake, let alone focused, despite a two-hour nap this morning. Congested, sneezy, achy, blah.

Good news: Yesterday went to the pulmonologist and after a few tests found out I’m using 96% of my lungs. Yay. And today I went to a cardiologist who gave me more or less a clean bill of health. My pulse rate and blood pressure were both a little high, but he chalked it up to either my cold, or the healing process, or my new-found economic situation, or some combination. I go back to him at the end of May for more tests to make sure I don’t have a encore of this past February’s 2009 Hospital Tour.

I do have posts to write. But it’s cold in my writing office and the bugs inside me don’t like it cold. Got a lot of other things I need to do, too, and can’t seem to summon any energy or enthusiasm. But I promise something of interest tomorrow.

Until then,

Your Working Boy,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear you're sick, LE. I think what you need is a long weekend alone, to sleep, blog, sleep some more and really give yourself some well deserved rest. Sounds to me like since you got out of the hospital you've returned to your normal, hectic schedule, which seemed to be overloaded even for a well person. Maybe it's just all too much for you right now, until you're 100%. Tell "C" you're running away for a weekend, and RUN! Feel better -J