Thursday, April 9, 2009

Loaded Dice

Hoi kuboi Dios aei eupiptousi

The dice of God are always loaded.

[from Essay on Compensation, by Emerson]

I think this is just another way of stating, somewhat colorfully and memorably, the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives. There are great movements, hidden to those who are blind, but surprisingly clearly discernible to those with fresh eyes, that gently move us this way and that, where, in hindsight, we need to go, like some silent, powerful tidal force. Spiritual gravity, if you will, that is always present, bending the terrain of life. Always. Whether we choose to look is, of course, our decision. You can dismiss the tsunamis of your life to cruel fate or maybe even dispassionate chance; but the dice of God are always loaded.

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