Monday, May 31, 2010

Analysis Paralysis


You’ve been researching something for a year.

Best guesstimate is that it will provide subsistence income. If that. But it will provide some breathing room, after a few months that is.

Or, you can go back to the drawing board, refocused, and spend three months trying to develop two better ideas for perhaps double or triple that previous income estimate. After a few months after that additional brainstorming period.

What do you do?

I’m taking the plunge. Full speed ahead with Idea One. I must admit that I don’t feel good about it. No, scratch that. Perhaps what I’m feeling is the normal, day-one jitters all entrepreneurs get. No, scratch that, too. Entrepreneurs feed off circumstances such as the one I find myself in. I just want to puke out these butterflies, and maybe read a book down in the basement.

Yeah, I’m taking the plunge. Gonna look at these next two months as “Learning Experience.” Or “Trial By Fire.” Maybe I’m not ready for those two other better ideas yet. Maybe those two ideas are not ready for me. Gotta walk before you run, and you gotta crawl first.

I know you have no idea what I’m talking about. I’m writing this stream-o-consciously trying to psych myself up for that icy water plunge.

Keep me in your prayers and well-wishes.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...
