Thursday, December 23, 2010


Seasons Greetings!

As you read this, we’re on the road. Me, C, Little One, and Patch, hurtling down I-95 at 70 mph. (80 if the wife is behind the wheel). We’re motoring down to Hilton Head to visit with my in-laws for a week, relaxing in the moderate Christmas climes of South Carolina.

The car’s packed with snacks, drinks, blankets, games, books, magazines, CDs. I’m looking forward to safe but exciting 15-hour adventure down the east coast of the USA – the New Jersey Turnpike, the Delaware Bridge and the quick blink that’s our first state, the familiar sites of Maryland, the Fort McHenry tunnel, BMI, our nation’s capital on the near horizon, Virginia, that giant cigarette smokestack, the flat expanse of North Carolina, the Ava Gardner museum, the fireworks billboards, the South of the Boarder billboards, South Carolina, Myrtle Beach, Florence, counting down the exits as we near HHI, then the Island itself – the palm trees, the golf courses, the plantations – and then Nana’s house. Oh, and the pit stops and the quickee fast food fix.

It should be a great week. As always, my in-laws generously pay for a hotel for us, down the road. Little One will probably sleep over nights with them. My father-in-law is a passionate amateur gourmet, so they’ll be phenomenal eating. A dinner party or two, which though I am not comfortable with, I can handle. I’ll check out my yarn store and perhaps score a couple of overlooked classics. Regardless, I got my Tolkien and a tome on the development of philosophy. Nana’s tasked me to setup Skype on their laptop. Perhaps we’ll eat out – an always entertaining with the two little ones. And though there won’t be snow, there will be cozy fires as the nights do get a bit chilly down there.

Keep checking back daily; I’ve cued up a post a day until we get back next week. And if you leave a comment, don’t be offended if I don’t respond – I’ll have very limited PC access over the next couple of days.

Feliz Navidad!

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