Saturday, June 30, 2012

Paradoxical Dogma

The liberal mind, to me, is paradoxical. Want a major example? On one hand, they want to regulate our health – can we agree that liberal politicians and lawmakers led the charge against smoking in public and are at the forefront of legislating how and what we can eat as far as our dining experience? Consider the efforts of New York City’s Mayor Bloomberg (a declared “Independent” though very socially left) to ban foods containing partially hydrogenated ingredients and most recently to ban 16 ounce sodas.

On the other hand, whatever you do with your genitals is sacrosanct for the liberal politician. Everything from Get Your Rosaries Off My Ovaries to gay “marriage” to this whole manufactured scare over birth control not being paid for by insurance policies (specifically those policies provided by organizations morally opposed to birth control). Anything and everything is fair game south of the belly button.

Why the rigidity with what we choose to do with our bodies regarding food (and smoking), and the give-me-liberty-or-give-me-death stance regarding our private parts?

It seems to me that the best way to get a 16-ounce cup of soda in New York City is to publicly proclaim that regular mass consumption of the carbonated beverage gives you a sexual rush …

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