Wednesday, March 4, 2020

$550 Million

So Bloomberg dropped out of the race for the Democrat nomination for the Presidency, spending $550 million dollars to win American Samoa and, at this writing, a total of 18 delegates (out of 1,991 to win).

That’s $550,000,000.00

One of the first things I did was break out the calculator.

What would 550 million dollars buy?

If you built a small, cheap home for $50,000, that would be 11,000 new homes constructed.

If a meal costs $20, that could have been spent on 27,500,000 meals. That would be the same as feeding 11,000 families-of-four for a whole year.

How about college education? Hopper is faced with funding his two daughters’ upcoming college careers. They tell me that we can expect to pay on average $250,000 for a college degree nowadays. So instead of throwing all that money away on a pipe dream, Bloomberg could have paid for 2,200 four-year college educations of deserving individuals.

Should Mayor Mike have felt generous and decided to gift $10,000 to underprivileged families, he could have helped 55,000 of them have a nice Christmas or a nice, once-in-a-lifetime vacation.

But no, he frittered it all away on an ego trip.

Politics aside, what a waste.


Anonymous said...

Yes! Amen, Hopper...he could have housed and fed homeless veterans in the USA. America first!

Anonymous said...

What's even funnier is watching the media eggheads miscalculate what that money could have done. Apparently, Brian Williams and New York Times Opinion Editor Mara Gay presented a tweet that indicated all 327 million Americans could have each received $1 Million with money left over.


Anonymous said...

All of the above is true,but it did go into the economy. All of the political spending is obscene, but again it does go into the economy.