Friday, August 16, 2024

Funniest Thing I've Heard in a While


The album Catalina Breeze by the Blue Jean Committee:

In the spirit of Spinal Tap and The Folksmen of Michael McKean, Christopher Guest, and Harry Shearer, this “group” and their album spoofs the 70s California easy listenin’ soft rock scene.

The album has seven songs … and is ten minutes long.

Needless to say, I laughed a lot on my first hearing. In fact, I’m laughing now as I write this.

The music and the musicianship is first class. But it’s still parody. And the lyrics, well, there’s everything from sarcasm to witty takes to downright stupidity. It’s funny, and it works, to my ears at least.

My favorite line:


Wise man said if you wanna know a man walk a mile in his shoes /

Don’t know ’bout you, but I’m more a barefoot guy


Anyway, if you want a chuckle and like this sort of thing, look it up on Apple music or iTunes or YouTube. It’s worth the ten-minute investment.

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