Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Conservative Racism?

I have a dilemma. Could you help me out with this question?

What can a conservative white man legitimately protest today without being labeled a racist?

The partisan passage of the Health Care Bill?

Yes ____ No ____

Out-of-control spending and the ballooning federal deficit?

Yes ____ No ____

Proposed amnesty for illegal immigrants?

Yes ____ No ____

The Cap and Trade Bill?

Yes ____ No ____

Mismanagement of the country's economy?

Yes ____ No ____

The administration's desire to try KSM in downtown Manhattan civilian court?

Yes ____ No ____

The administration's hardline stance toward Israel?

Yes ____ No ____

Pay Czars - in the United States of America?

Yes ____ No ____

Media bias re: the Tea Party protests versus any single protest by the Left during the George W. Bush presidency?

Yes ____ No ____

Liberals' overly liberal use of accusations of racism?

Yes ____ No ____

I'm honestly quite confused. Any help will be appreciated.


Anonymous said...

Here's the general rule of thumb. If you have answered "YES" to any of the above questions, you ARE a racist.

Here's my position (not surprisingly). I dont give a shit. Call me what you want.

Speaks volumes about the validity of the Left's arguments. They have to resort to labeling and name-calling. Doesn't matter though since the media sycophants march in lock-step with their liberal masters.

Here is my overriding question about today's progressives (socialists). What happens when you have taxed everyone and there is nothing left to tax? Of course the end will have come before we reach that point, but think about it. What does the socialist do when there is not a source of government revenue to "invest" any longer? I'm sure I am a racist for raising such an inconvenient question.


LE said...

Very funny but, sadly I think, very true. Never a dull moment when you reply. It's almost as if I'm lobbing you slow underhands for you to slam over the centerfield wall ...

Now, can someone refute Uncle's points here, especially the last one? Hmm?

Editorial Staff said...

Not all Tea Partiers are racist, but the movement does provide cover much racism and bigotry.

The truth behind the Tea Party racism, Sarah Palin, anti-government violence and GOP accountability from a Christian perspective:


LE said...


I checked out your link and still remain unconvinced to Tea Party racism. I liked the March 30 4:54 poster's points. In fact, I could have written that comment.

Where's the evidence? Cause I know if the MSM had video of Tea Party racism we'd have seen if ad nauseum by now.

For the record, I don't believe the Tea Party is 100% non-racist. Every group has its fringe element. We see plenty of fringe all the time at Leftist protests. But to paint a whole movement on a tiny, tiny minority is dishonest.

Anonymous said...

Here is another rule of thumb illustrated by the previous poster. When your argument is intellectually vacuous, attack, attack, attack. Keeps the light from shining on the paucity of logic in the argument.

The Tea Party movement is constituted by Americans gathering and demonstrating. WE are against the out-of-control spending that will bankrupt this once powerful nation.

And lastly, be thankful that the assemblages have been peaceful. Our foreFATHERS weren't so peaceful when they stared down tyranny. And thankfully so or we would still be British subjects.
