Friday, March 26, 2010


Hey, I want to do a short li’l post explaining my disgust-resignation (disgustination? resigust?). I have three points I want to mention.

First, I remember a time about three or four years ago when my wife and I were discussing politics. Everyone in the media seemed to be ready to anoint Hillary as the first woman president. Rainbows and puppies and butterflies as we actualized the Age of Aquarius. Now, not to be too hyperbolic, but there’s something about her that scared us. She’s ice cold, a dormant volcano with a lotta pressure built up underneath, and much more liberal and less pragmatic than her husband ever was. So we decided that, if Hillary was the nominee, we’d volunteer our time to fight against her campaign. I’d lick stamps, and the wife would chat up undecideds on the phone. Anyone but Hillary was our rallying cry.

Then, I had my two surgeries and the wife got pregnant. Our second daughter was born six weeks before the election, so all those plans were shelved.

In the meantime, BHO came along, and the media dropped Hill like a hot potato. Blackness trumped womanhood in degree of victimology, so he became their anointed. And when he was elected a few months later, this thought kept creeping back into my mind:

Be careful what you wish for …

I now see the wisdom in that warning.

Next, I keep thinking about what’s called the Hegelian Two-Step. I don’t know who coined the phrase, but I see it every now and then on them internets. Most of us who aren’t philosophy majors know Hegel only for his idea of the dialectic: There’s a thesis, followed by a movement in the opposite direction, the antithesis, culminating in a smaller lurch back towards the center, called the synthesis. It’s how History progresses, evolves.

The Hegelian Two-Step goes something like this: There’s a sharp implementation of liberal ideas, followed by an opposing conservative movement. Yet the synthesis, the corrective, centering movement, never completely returns fully to the center. Normally, you’d expect, oh, say, one step left, two steps right, one step left to return to true center. However, the Hegelian Two-Step is one step left, two steps right, and one-and-a-half centering steps left. History inevitably and incrementally moves leftward.


This leads me to my final item. John Derbyshire over at The Corner on National Review came up with a great image a few days ago, just after Health Care “Reform” passed. To paraphrase, he’s convinced that Western Civilization is like the Titanic, only taking his lifetime to sink (he’s in his mid-60s). This Health Care sham is not the ice berg; it’s just another hatch breaking under the pressure of the relentless, creeping icewater. Drinks and food are still coming up from the galley, and the band is still playing, and some people are still lounging in deck chairs oblivious to the fact that the ship is still sinking.

I hate it, but I have to agree.


You know what I want?

What I really, really want?

I want to work for a decent company and make enough to pay my bills. Pay my mortgage, the utilities, food and clothes, pay off some bad credit card debt. Put a little bit into a retirement and a college savings account. With enough left over every year for a modest vacation. I’d continue to blog and do my websites, write my novels and short stories, at night, and publish a few things here and there before I die.

That’s all.

Is that asking too much?

Right now no one is hiring. You can’t get a job unless you can bring in money, serious money, into the company. There’s a nationwide hiring freeze. BHO has been president for fourteen long months and has done absolutely nothing to alleviate this. Absolutely nothing! If you don’t believe so, prove to me otherwise.

So that’s why I’m disgusted, resigned, and depressed. But I’m also getting something else, and that’s: fired up.

Tomorrow I want to give it the old “college try.” Sure, why not? The title of tomorrow’s post will be “A Conservative Battle Plan.”

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