Saturday, October 2, 2010

Within You


“There is an old Hindu legend that at one time all men on earth were gods, but that men so sinned and abused the Divine that Brahma, the god of all gods, decided that the godhead should be taken away from man and hid some place where he would never again find it to abuse it.

‘We will bury it deep in the earth,’ said the other gods.

‘No,’ said Brahma, ‘because man will dig down in the earth and find it.’

‘Then we will sink it in the deepest ocean,’ they said.

‘No,’ said Brahma, ‘because man will learn to dive and find it there, too.’

‘We will hide it on the highest mountain,’ they said.

‘No,’ said Brahma, ‘because man will some day climb every mountain on the earth and again capture the godhead.’

‘Then we do not know where to hide it where he cannot find it,’ said the lesser gods.

‘I will tell you,’ said Brahma, ‘hide it down in man himself. He will never think to look there.’ ”

- Quoted from I Dare You by William H. Danforth, pg 81-82. Though I have read this parable in other books.

N. B. While they may not have buried the godhead down in the depths of the sea, they did put something there …

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