Wednesday, November 9, 2011

New Job Brain Fry

Home from first day at new job. No real posting today. Brain fried. First-day-at-a-new-job fried, that is.

Cautiously optimistic about this one. After the schizophrenic work encounter over the summer, I guess I’m a little bit scarred. But we’ll see. On paper, this place looks like it could make the playoffs easy. I hope so, but we’ll see.

Wife’s taking me out to dinner tonight; children are at my parents for the rest of the week. Poor Little One was thrown into a basketball pole on the playground today and has a tremendous egg on her forehead. Blacked out and had to be taken to the nurse’s. And today was school picture re-take day, too, to top it all off. (But her pic was re-taken before the playground incident.)

Two-thirds through with Keegan’s biography of the Civil War. Interesting, if a tad too in-depth for me. But that’s what I wanted. Should finish it in a week or so. Then, I’d like to zip through an SF quickie, and then start an epic. We’ll see about all that, too.

Hopefully something of substance tomorrow.

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