Wednesday, April 15, 2020


The past few weeks have opened my eyes to how fearful we are. Contrary to what the Catholic Church likes to proclaim this time of year, we are not an “Easter people.” We are a fearful people. So afraid of death. So afraid of losing our comfortable, cozy, well-financed lifestyle.

It ultimately reflects poorly, I think, on our post-Christian culture. For us Christians, most don’t really believe in the truth of the Gospel. Heck, most of the Catholic bishops and cardinals don’t. I’m not quite fully convinced the Pope does. But imagine if you truly believed in Christ. In His promises and His teaching. Would you fear anything, even death?

I am not trying to be a scold here. Just trying to clarify something vague that’s been brought to my attention. As for me, I am ashamed to admit I did succumb to a certain degree of fear. Not of the virus, but of the economic ruin the cure is bringing down upon us. The fear of empty store shelves. The fear of not being able to pay bills and buy food. Not a paralyzing fear, but a small, gnawing one. One that usually came out to feed at night in the dark when I lay in bed staring at the ceiling.

It’s a weird time. That old witticism “in the land of insanity, only the sane will be considered crazy” seemed apt. I’ve seen the videos posted to #filmyourhospital of empty emergency rooms, parking lots, triage tents. I’ve seen the videos posted to Tiktok of hospital workers in their PPE doing choreographed dance routines when they’re supposed to be overwhelmed. Do I think it’s all a big hoax? No. There are people dying, the vast majority elderly and with pre-existing conditions, primarily with the pre-eminent American pre-existing condition, obesity. Do I think certain elements are “not letting a crisis go to waste”? Absolutely.

The virtue signaling is getting trite. The snitching on those who want to enjoy the outdoors is obnoxious. And that label “essential job” has to go away. Both my wife and I work “non-essential jobs.” The problem is, well, my mortgage is not non-essential, nor are the groceries me, my wife, and my two children need.

I do honestly believe it is time to re-open America. I read earlier today that the CDC is recommending May 1. I guess I can live with that. But no later. Let us return to the land of the free, if not exactly the land of the brave. I’ll trade the mandatory face masks for letting businesses across the board re-open.

Recall another old witticism – what is fear? False Evidence Appearing Real. While the F might not mean Fraudulent, it could mean Feigned. I don’t know, and I don’t think we’ll know for a good long while. Certainly not until after Trump has been out of office. I believe that five, ten years from now books will be written not on the corona virus itself, but the psychological reaction to it.


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