Saturday, April 11, 2020

Youtube in Lockdown

What has Hopper been doing to maintain his sanity in lockdown?

Well, subtract the hours spent working from home, reading, writing, Netflix watching, occasional soccer practice with Patch at the park or a run through a local drive-through, and I find myself still with a phenomenal amount of hours on my hands. Maybe it’s because I no longer commute to work, or maybe because I’m not chauffeuring the girls all over the county to their various activities. I dunno.

I am now somewhat addicted, I am somewhat ashamed to say, to Youtube videos.

What have I burned through in these last three weeks?

- a whole season of Gordon Ramsey’s Hell’s Kitchen

- a fascination of To Catch a Predator commentary videos (“Walls” to listen to the dude make fun of these dangerous losers, “Fast Eddie” to get a breakdown of a legal and psychological / body language goings-on as Chris Hanson questions the predators-turned-prey)

- which organically led to watching police interrogation videos (the best is the one where Colonel Russell Williams goes in cocky and ends up confessing to a pair of murders 30 minutes later)

- which organically led to watching cops on the witness stand in local televised trials

- which organically led to watching cops bust obnoxious politicians for driving under the influence

- to an unrelated video on the Demon Core, the volleyball-sized plutonium shell originally built as the third atomic bomb to be dropped on Japan if necessary, but instead horribly claimed the lives of two cocky young physicists in two separate incidents

- then a series of videos debunking film and TV fan theories, such as whether or not Childs is a thing at the end of John Carpenter’s The Thing or whether or not Toby from The Office is the true Scranton Strangler

- and a bunch of videos on how to shred on electric guitar, something I never quite could do in my prime.

Man, when it’s all typed out there on the page it just makes me want to exclaim, “Just what the heck is wrong with me and why am I wasting my life,” and then I remember:

We’re in lockdown.

For the good of ourselves and others.

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