Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Wassup Bunnykiller?

Still a little swamped, that’s wassup, but I see that light at the end of that tunnel!

Most importantly, it looks like we have the Little One’s kindergarten year all shored up – and get this! – it’s affordable! And it won’t tax our time, either, shuttling her here and there and everywhere! Yay! What a weight off our shoulders.

Applied to three jobs today. None of which appeal to me, but all that I can do and, more importantly, get paid for. Now to play the waiting game. Tick tock tick tock …

We still have money in the bank. Now, I have to face a pile of bills. There’s a couple of crazy doctor bills and a hospital bill for $19,000 – yeah, right, that’s why I have insurance, fellas – requiring me to pick up the phone and make some calls. Here’s where I insert a sarcastic Yay!

Gearing up for the cardiologist tomorrow, for a routine checkup. He’s a nice doctor, but doesn’t really help me in any way. Once he tried to push anti-depression medication on me, but I refused. Otherwise he sits there benevolently and grins, saying little, agreeing with me no matter what I seem to say. I’m gonna tell him my energy level is really low from an endurance point of view. My lung capacity appears to be the same, in the healthy range, but I get tired real easy. And my attitude rockets up and down on a daily basis, sometimes even on an hourly basis.

I went for a brisk walk yesterday morning instead of doing yoga – 1.4 miles in 23 minutes. By my calculations that’s a 4 m.p.h. clip. Not bad. I was able to do it without getting too winded, but it was early in the morning. If I did it later in the evening, I don’t think the results would be the same.

Chatted with a knowledgeable dude in the publishing business, and he gave me a couple of really good tips. He also grounded me, to my disappointment, though I’ve since risen above it. Yes, I know it’s hard. Yes, I know it takes tons of effort and perseverance. No, I didn’t know that the average published author made only $5,000 in 2006. Yes, I know I need a literary agent. Yes, I know I need to show something to a literary agent to get him or her interested in me. Yes, I know I don’t currently have anything to show a literary agent. But I’m still working on it.

Getting ready to launch my websites in a couple of weeks. Which means I have a vague outline for each. But seriously, with a couple of hours I can narrow my focus sufficiently where I’m confident that it won’t be too difficult to get something of quality up and running. I have a lot of raw material here on the Hopper, and besides, this is what I’m really passionate for. Keep you updated in the future.

On deck: Finished Arthur Clarke’s Fountains of Paradise, with mixed feelings. Kind of indecisive on which SF to read next – a never-read classic from the 30s, a short classic from a wallflower from the 60s, or a book whose title and premise seem oddly close to that of my second novel? Hmmm. Part of what’s also making me procrastinate is late-night headaches from eye strain. Maybe it’s just stress, I dunno.

That’s all that’s going on at Casa LE. Some fun stuff coming up, with an absence of griping. Check back over the next couple of days.


1 comment:

Anonymous said... have been a busy little bee! Sounds like you need a vacation! How about some time in the Pocono's?!?! Lot's of luck tomorrow...I will be thinking of you. MWA