Sunday, April 17, 2011

Atlas Shrugging

Is it me, or does anything in the theatrical poster to Atlas Shrugged Part I, seen here

Remind you of a recent political campaign logo, seen here

If such was the intent of the film studio, bravo. It’s marketing genius.

I have long said we are living out, more and more as the days of the Obama Administration go by, Rand’s nightmare vision for pre-Galtian America. Now, I have a lot of problems with Ayn Rand and her philosophy. Personally, she was abhorrent, and her ideal of noble selfishness rings discordantly against every fiber of my being. That being said, I must admit to a fascination with her fiction and non-fiction during a two-year phase I went through about a decade back. I understand her work is “loaded” (and what network teevee show isn’t “loaded” in the opposite direction?), but I still think she presents a potential scenario we may see to some degree in the near future of the United States.

I’m not anxiously pacing for the movie to get to my local theater, and I’m not sure I’ll even rent it when it comes out on DVD. Reading the 1,000-plus page textbook-romance novel was an ordeal I can only go through once in a lifetime.

But we’ll see.

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