Monday, April 18, 2011

Schools Closed Friday

My daughter is off from school this Friday. So is everyone at the town high school. Apparently, mentioning the name Christ in a public school is strictly forbidden lest the ACLU comes to town, yet all the students, teachers, and administrators get the day off.

In all fairness to my local government, the school website mentions


But the announcement board on the high school’s front lawn just states “School Closed Apr 22.” Perhaps they are not trying to draw too much attention.

Borough offices are closed this Friday, too. On the town calendar that’s distributed to every resident, April 22 is marked “Good Friday.” However, on my town’s website, April 22 is only known as “Earth Day.” But since they acknowledge the following Sunday as Easter, I’m willing to allow this as an innocent oversight.

What’s my whole point? I think my town is manned by good guys. I think we’re trying to hold back the tide of multiculturalism manifested in a hatred of Christianity. That hatred is manifested in the continuous drive to ban all mentions of Christ from the public sphere. But even though my town is doing its best, it’s still one of those kids that goes along with the crowd, doing what it knows is wrong just to fit in or avoid censure. Two steps to the left, one step back right. Two steps to the left, one step back right. And on and on.

If I’m wrong about any of this, let me know. If you think I’m being oversensitive or reading too much into anything here, let me know. Just keep in mind what any Approved Grievance Group © on the left would do if public policy moved as much against it as it has been doing over the past thirty or forty years against the beliefs of 85 percent of us.

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