Thursday, August 18, 2011

Strange Vibrations

I’m wondering – did this ever happen to you?

While sitting here at my desk thinking about what to write, I glanced behind me to put on some music and a couple of CDs catch my eye. Seems I can put these into two groups, a couple of CDs by one band, and a couple by another.

Back in November of 2007 I was scheduled for a medical procedure where a catheter would enter the artery by my groin, travel up my body, and enter my heart, where it would burn tissue to correct atrial fibrillation. I’d have to be completely knocked out, and that kinda scared me. I learned I have a phobia about going to sleep and never waking up again. Plus not being in control of events.

Anyway, that month I started listening to the Grateful Dead. Don’t know why. Never really did in the past, and never really have since. I bought four CDs and listened to them every day. Then I had the surgery, and have listened to them maybe a handful of times since.

In April of 2008 I had to go back in to the hospital for the exact same procedure. This time, my musical muse turned me to Frank Zappa. Again, I listened to a bit of his stuff as a young twentysomething guitar player. I bought three CDs and borrowed two from the library, and for that whole month all I listened to was Zappa. Post-surgery, I listened to them maybe twice.

Isn’t that strange? Is it uncommon? This has never happened to me before or since. Yeah, I go through musical phases, but never so short, so powerful, and so out of the blue.

Weird, like me.

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