Tuesday, March 12, 2013

I Don't Get Liberalism

I really, really wish I could have an honest discussion with someone of the leftish persuasion on a few of my perceptions of liberalism. I really don’t get it. Perhaps it’s due to a misperception on my behalf; perhaps it’s dissonance with term definitions. I truly don’t know. But I would quite enjoy some good faith discussion on the following fairly-recent news topics –

- Why is waterboarding suspected terrorists protest-worthy, yet killing via drone suspected terrorists praise-worthy?

- How exactly does raising the tax rate on corporations and “the wealthiest among us” spur economic growth, specifically job creation?

- Why is closing the White House for tours an acceptable response to the Sequester, yet proposing the president cease to play golf using taxpayer funds subject to ridicule?

- Bonus question: How does our president define “success” for himself and his administration?

Inquiring minds, like this one, want to know ….

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