Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Well, our house was finally hit with that nasty norovirus going round.

Poor little Patch … kept us up last night barfing. Four times in a 24-hour period. Though Patch was her usual playful and indomitable self, she just couldn’t hold anything solid or liquid down. The wife stayed home with her this morning and took her to the doctor. The norovirus was diagnosed and a prescription to settle her tummy was prescribed. The doctor said we should let her drink 3 ounces of Pedia Lite as often as Patch wants (as long as she waits at least 20 minutes between drinks) to re-hydrate. If she couldn’t keep the Pedia Lite down, though, we were to take her to the Emergency Room for an IV.

Eight hours later, it looks like we won’t have to do that.

Thank God!

Patch is sleeping now, curled up on the couch. A little warm, but not excessively so. I came home from work around 2 to relieve the wife; she’s now en route to a gig in NYC. Gotta get Little One from aftercare in twenty minutes (and drag Patch out into the wind and sleet). Not much else going on here, tonight. Maybe I’ll get a little reading done once the girls are down at 8.

So … see ya’ll tomorrow. Hopefully with something interesting.

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