Sunday, June 30, 2013

June Stats

Well, relatively speaking, June was an eventful month for me. Did a lot of things I’ve never done before or don’t do enough. Took in a Yankees game with the family, went to a gospel church, chilled with the in-laws in Brooklyn, swam with my little ones in a ginormous pool, spent a sick day watching a killer octopus flick with my sick oldest (and introduced her to the monster movie classic Bride of Frankenstein the week before), went to the movies with my pal to see World War Z, basked in pride attending Little One’s recorder concert, ditto with Patch’s pre-K graduation, and painted her room a luxorious shade of pink.

From a literary perspective, I finished the epic, way-too-long-on-the-bookshelf Anathem as well as a pair of Westerns. Bought a half-dozen books I’m quite excited about, too, and spent about $12 doing it.

As far as the physical goals I set earlier this month … well, I tried. I did get my twelve fierce workouts in but could not get up to a mile run without stopping. In fact, I only ran three times. Running now seems to be my nemesis. And with the busy-ness at work at home the final week in June, I stopped working out the final four days. Look to resume tomorrow.

Of the other goals that I posted the first day of June, I’d guesstimate I accomplished fifty percent of fifty percent of them. The other fifty percent range from zero to twenty-five percent. See, I force you to think to see whether the extent of my shame is shameful or not. Well, “shame” is a bit harsh. Better to set a goal and not attain it than to never set a goal. Right?

Interestingly enough, the wife brought up self-publishing on her own accord earlier this past week. One of my June 1 goals was to research that process. That is something that definitely needs to be done before the next month concludes. We’ll see where that puts me. Oh – I did re-read a large chunk of my Whale novel this past Friday (which I haven’t read in full in three years), and was quite proud of it. That’d be the crown jewel of my self-publishing empire, when that finally comes about.

Peace out, June. It was good to know ya, but now it’s time to move on.

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