Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Cryptonomicon III

Well, I finally finished Cryptonomicon! (… breathes a long, contented sigh …) Began it May 29 on vacation in Lake George, New York and completed the novel on October 15 in the park near my job during my lunch break. 140 days to work through 1,130 pages. 8 pages (about half a Stephenson chapter) a day average. Not too remarkable, that reading velocity. However, there was about a month from the end of August to the end of September where I was so inundated and uninspired I almost set it aside permanently. The remarkable thing is that I kept with it. I put away 330 pages alone in the past week. So, allow me some pats on the back for a moment. I kept with it! I did not hop off onto some other novel, or some collection of short stories. And I was rewarded for doing so, too, in more ways than I originally anticipated. But all that will come out in the review, later this week.

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