Thursday, October 30, 2008

Sayonara October!

Here’s hoping only eustress in November … and that I find more time to write and blog by triaging the unimportant and unurgent nonsense from my life. I’m Quadrant II-bound for you Stephen Covey fans! And here’s to a double-dose heaping helping of courage, so I can finally do what I’m put on this rock to do.

Oh, and here’s a pretty neat joke I read today:

In a bar is a piano player with a monkey that goes around after each number collecting tips. While the piano player is playing, the monkey jumps on the bar, walks up to a customer, and squats over his drink, putting his testicles in the drink. The man is miffed, walks up to the piano player, and says, “Do you know your monkey dipped his balls in my martini?”

The piano player says, “No, man, but if you hum a few bars I can probably pick it up.”

From Plato and a Platypus Walk into a Bar ... Understanding Philosophy Through Jokes. My version has a really cute picture of a platypus on its cover.

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