Saturday, October 4, 2008


Did not post yesterday for a couple of reasons. Swamped at work with supervisors swarming all about (it was a poor month sales-wise), laden with errands on the way home, guests over the house until 8 pm (my wife’s aunt and uncle visiting from Texas, whom she’s never met), clean-up and getting children in bed and whatnot.

Oh, and a particularly nasty day-long headache, resulting, I’d like to think, from the Transitional Raw Foods Diet, day 3.

What happens on the TRFD? Well, your body is starting to get wholesome, healthy foods into it. Tons of fruits and vegetables, and comparatively sparse amounts of starches and meats. You’re drinking plenty of water. Things start happening then. Your body begins its housecleaning. Your levels of toxicity rise as the body struggles to flush out the junk that you’ve been putting into it on a consistent basis over your lifetime. Initially, it’s just the crap you’ve ingested over the past four or five days. Then, your body goes to work on eliminating the more … permanent waste disposal centers of your body, located in your intestines.

At least, in theory. And for me, over the past three days, in practice. I’ve had a nagging headache, felt achy in my joints, still succumbing to fatigue without sleep. Cravings for fried food in particular (I’ve really wanted some of those boneless spare ribs you get at Chinese restaurants, which I probably haven’t had in years). Yesterday, my headache was so bad that the only way I could function was to focus and do whatever was facing me at that moment, be it distraught bosses, after-work errands, or familiar strangers from Texas.

Then, something great happened!

I woke up this morning, extremely tired and achy, but – wow! – the headache was gone. Once I actually got vertical and moved around for a bit, I actually felt good! I feel good! I have a bit more energy, I think, than I’m normally used to. After a big bowl of melon for breakfast, I went down and balanced the checkbook, paid the bills, spent some time with the Little One and her new sister, and, after this posting, will do my regular Saturday morning errands.

It seems I’m on the upswing with the TRFD. Hopefully …

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