Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Just heard an interesting thought this morning by the Dalai Lama.

In one of his lectures he insisted that if we were to take our children, each and every one of them, and begin around the age of, say, five or so, to teach them how to meditate on compassion for one hour a week – that’s not even ten minutes a day –

To meditate on compassion for one hour a week –

For the rest of their childhood –

He believes passionately that within one generation, all

* wars
* crime
* physical abuse and violence
* mental abuse and violence

Would disappear.

What do you think?

Does that thought give you excitement, or do you merely shrug your shoulders?

Does that make you want to sit quietly somewhere for ten minutes and try to do this, or do you merely dismiss it because a foreign dude from a different religion in crazy robes said it.

What do you think?

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