Friday, October 2, 2009


Any married man who has an affair with a woman who is not his wife loses a tremendous chunk of credibility whenever he comments on the culture or on those who believe there is something wrong with said culture and have strong opinions on how to correct it. Loss of credibility is even greater when the married man is also a father.

Now, this creep can still say all he wants. In no way should his freedom of speech be impeded in any way; this is still America. But it would not bother me in the least – no, in fact, I think it should become common practice – that whenever mentioning this creep’s name there should be a comma with the phrase adulterer or serial adulterer or failure as a husband, failure as a father, or even failure as a man following. Or it could be used as an adjective, as in “adulterous comedian,” for example. Or, “so-and-so, comedian, and failure as a man.” That would be entirely okay, as long as the creep continued to thrust himself into the limelight, unapologetic, unremitting in his assault on those who value, say, the sanctity of marriage and the family.

Forgive and forget, yes, but forget only if the creep desires forgiveness and performs those actions that show it.

And I can’t believe I wasted so many hours over the past twenty-five years, particularly as a younger man, watching and listening to this creep.

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