Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Came By Post Today

The Fluger was five meters long, had four
thick legs, a body of impenetrable molecular
density and numerous teeth capable of chewing
diamonds into powder. It was four hundred massive
kilos of violence, savagery and hatred.
When the Fluger arrived as unlisted cargo in the
enclosed city of Olympus, it launched itself on a
murderous rampage which couldn't be halted. It
presented that terrified utopian community with the
problem of how to stop an irresistible force. The
only answer seemed to be a hired alien assassin -
an outer-space humanoid about whom the citizens of
Olympus knew next to nothing except that he
was a professional killer who would not quit
until his job was done.
But when the irresistible force met the immovable
object they turned that fragile city in the sky
into a raging battlefield, and their "savior" looked
to become as much of a menace as his monster

From the back page of my latest paperback purchase ...

Can't wait to read this, The Fluger, by Doris Piserchia, author of one of my favorite childhood books of horror SF, The Spinner. Been on my list forever, and I ordered a week ago from an online used book seller. Both novels seem, at least on the surface, quite similar, almost like re-imaginings, so I am extremely curious to see how the plot unfolds in this new story.

This and this may help you understand my weird fascination with Piserchia's works. Or not.

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