Friday, February 15, 2013

Plumbing the Dearths

Apologies for the dearth of blog postings these past couple days. Reason why? Just time- and energy-consuming stuff. Stuff like, and this is not offered as excuse:

- Two-point-something hours of OT at work

- Getting up earlier to get the little ones out the door earlier

- Fighting a low-grade but tough, mucous-y cold

- Ash Wednesday evening mass

- Little One’s basketball game (a 21-20 loss at the final second)

- Getting all 2012 bills and finances in order for tax time tomorrow

- Finishing up PJF’s The Maker of Universes

Wow, I’m exhausted.

However, should be some good posts coming up. Review of said PJF book, and an encounter at work where someone literally almost had a public stroke over not being offered a bagel.

Good reading, all …

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