Thursday, August 29, 2013

Little Victory

Well, here’s some good news on the personal development front (a front that’s long, long, too long been laying latent):

Passed out about 10 pm last night only to wake up wired around 2:30 am. The noise from the bedroom air conditioner – and, truth be told, anxious worrying over how much money it cost to run it (what, a dollar overnight?) – made me get up and try to resume sleep on the downstairs couch. No dice. Finally went down to the basement writing office to waste a few hours playing freecell and listening to Leonard Nimoy In Search Of youtube clips.

Or so I thought.

Somehow I stumbled across a motivational article written by – of all people – Donald Trump. I read it, then read another article written by someone else. Then another. Then, an epiphany.

I can’t wait until I’m healthy to improve my health. It has to start now.

So …

At 5:30 I went outside into the misty darkness and threw open the creaky garage door. With iPad in hand I did 10 minutes on the exercise bike, then threw around the dumbbells for a couple of sets. Back inside, I stretched the hams, calves, quads and lats while my bowl of steel-cut oatmeal, with half a cut-up apple and cinnamon thrown in, cooled on the counter. I ate reading more motivational stuff, downed some omega-3 and CoQ10 capsules, then tiptoed upstairs, showered, shaved, dressed and headed off to work an hour early. On the way out I made little Patchie some breakfast.

Wow! That’s about five times as many positive things by seven a.m. than I normally do all day.

A little victory. Trick is to string seven of them in a row, then thirty of them, then three-hundred-sixty-five of them, and on and on and on.

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