Sunday, March 30, 2014


… Napier believed that one of his servants was stealing some of his belongings.  He announced that his black rooster would identify the transgressor.  The servants were ordered into a dark room, where each was asked to pat the rooster on its back.  Unknown to the servants, Napier had coated the bird with a layer of lampblack.  On leaving the room, each servant was asked to show his hands; the guilty servant, fearing to touch the rooster, turned out to have clean hands, thus betraying his guilt.

- e, The Story of a Number, pg. 4, by Eli Maor

Yes, I just started reading a book about the mathematical constant e, which is equal to 2.718281828459045 … (and it’s fairly easy to memorize those fifteen digits east of the decimal point).

And yes, I am enjoying it.

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