Sunday, August 24, 2008

Card Exercise I

While going through my files in my writing folder on my laptop, I came across this writing exercise from May 14, 2006. Alas, I do not remember the book it came from nor did I enter it into the file anywhere. I wish I did; the book had some interesting tips to pass along.

One was called the Card Exercise. I don't recall the exact details, but it went something like this. To start, you need a stack of index cards, a trusty pen, and a watch or some sort of a timer. The Card Exercise then commences in two parts. First, think about the literary characters and real people you know or read about and admire. Set the timer for three minutes, and write down one such appealing quality on each index card. Then, when three minutes are up, you do the same thing, only this time you write unappealing qualities.

Interesting and well and good, but nothing more, really, than writing a positive and negative qualities list. Anyone can do that - how does that help me as a writer? Well, part two of the exercise was quite novel. In the same three minutes, write down three images or examples for each appealing and unappealing quality. Doing it under a time constraint eliminates the internal editor we all have, so my list is also a key to my personality and my experience. You always want to write from a point of realness, and be able to turn off that calculating, always-concerned-with-what-others-are-thinking voice in your head. At least during the initial draft. That internal editor becomes invaluable for the second and third drafts, though often he needs to be told to take it easy and relax.

So, today, here's my list of appealing qualities I admire in the people, real and imagined, that I've come across, and the images that such qualities inspire in my mind.

Serenity / Peace of Mind
Far-away gaze
Frequent meditation
Slow, deliberate speech

Good nature / self-deprecating humor
Easy smile
Always laughing at himself
Tendency to put others at ease

Concentration and focus, then decision
Straight and efficient in posture
Military background

Spiritual Discipline
Comfort in prayer
Fasting regularly
Praying the Rosary and reading the Bible

Mental Discipline
Ability to do math in his head
Fast-talking verbalization of thought processes
Hours of study in one sitting in ease

Physical Discipline
Consistent weightlifting
Able to run for miles at a stretch
Vegan diet

Heroism / Bravery / Courage
Purple star pinned on uniform
Taciturn about his exploits
Doesn't flinch when things get tough

A library in one's home
A lab in one's basement
Always taking notes and questioning

Ability to discuss any subject with anyone
A PhD (old-school)
Listens twice as much as he speaks

Supreme Confidence
Writes down a goal and singlemindedly attains it
Isn't afraid to try new things
Asks questions, no matter how silly they sound

Cleverness / Resourcefulness
No cage can hold him
Can size up his opponents and outthink them
Always knows where the exit is in any room

Willingness to Teach Others
In love with his subject
A young, idealistic teacher
He practices what he teaches

Jesus Christ on the Cross
A father working late hours at a job he hates for his family
A soldier giving his life so his buddies can escape

A man whistling a happy tune
A man with an easy smile gracing his face
A man with a good word for everyone he meets

Seeing the mile markers pass as you run your marathon
A writer piling up the word count
Taking out a sheet of goals and ticking off the sub-goals attained

Musical Knowledge / Talent
A solo musician in the studio playing for his own pleasure
Scanning the music racks for the latest, obscure releases
A conductor working with his eyes closed

A man mindstorming a topic
A general on horseback surveying new lands
The writer glancing upon the empty page

Faithfulness / Loyalty
A wedding band
A soldier at attention
A man kneeling at his master's feet

A quarterback driving his team down to the end zone
A band of guerrillas defeating a larger army
"This is what we're going to do now!"

Inspiring Charisma
"This, boys, is how we get it done!"
Jesus calling His disciples: "Follow Me!"
A man who sets the room abuzz

Tomorrow, the bad ...

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