Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Pro Dei Beneficiis

Laudo, glorifico, benedico te, Deus meus,
Propter immense
Indigno mihi preastita beneficia.

Quid dicam, Deus meus,
De tua ineffabili largitate?

Tu enim vocas fugientem.
Suscipis revertentem.
Adjuvas titubantem.
Laetificas desperantem.
Stimulas negligentem.
Armas pugnantem.
Coronas triumphantem.
Peccatoram post poenitentiam non spernis.
Et injuriae non memineris.
A multis liberas periculis.
Angelico ministerio custodies.

Pro quibus omnibus laudes referre non sufficio.




Anonymous said...

Man, LE...2 years of Latin and 20 years of Latin Mass and I'm baffled...give me a hint. Sr. Theresa...I'm sorry...Always....

Anonymous said...

For God's Blessing

I praise, glorify, and bless You, my God, for the immeasurable blessings shown to me who am unworthy of them.

What can I proclaim, my God, about Your ineffable generosity?

For You call the fugitive back. You welcome the one who returns. You sustain the faltering. You gladden the despondent. You prod the negligent. You arm the warrior. You crown the victor. You spurn not the repentant sinner. You do not remember wrongdoing. You free him from many perils. You guard him with ministering angels.

For all these I am incapable of sufficient praise.

Thank you.
