Sunday, August 24, 2014


Took Patch with me yesterday around noon and drove up to my parents’ house in PA to spend the night and return today with Little One.  The wife was in Chicago on business, so there really was nothing to do here in Hopperville once I paid some bills and ran some errands Saturday morning (dry cleaners, recycling center, library). 

Always enjoy the relaxing environment over in Pennsylvania.  It’s a day or two with no worries, just the three Rs: Rest, Relaxation, and Reading.  I finished Clive Cussler’s Treasure and left it for my stepfather to read; I’ll give it a short review later in the week.  Started a nonfiction book on, of all things, Ancient Egypt, and began my next spiritual book.  Got nine hours sleep (after having to discipline Patch for the very bad decision to act up right at bedtime) and nobody woke me at the crack of dawn (or an hour or two before that).

Little One had a great week at Grammy’s – she watched Robin Williams in Mrs. Doubtfire half a dozen times and managed to wow us by reciting half the script in real time.  Plus she got a good chunk of her summer reading finished and is looking forward to a week-and-a-half of basketball and soccer practices.  Patch, too, starts soccer for the first time tomorrow, with a “clinic” Wednesday evening.

A short cut on the way home cut out sitting an hour in construction traffic, so I actually made it back with the girls by 3:30.  I stopped off at 7/11 and bought them Slurpees for being good on the two-hour ride home.  The wife was there, exhausted from a long week in the windy city selling product.  Her flight got in late and she finally got home to our house at 2:30 in the morning.  So the girls cuddled with her while I mowed and tidied the yard, then did some laundry. 

Now: back to the grind!  (After basketball practice, making dinner, getting the girls washed and in bed, etc, etc, etc).

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