Saturday, November 29, 2008


I am terribly heart-sickened and disgusted by the terrorist attacks in Mumbai over the past two days. Such evil, evil men in this world. I would almost label such men, men who hide behind ski masks and automatic weapons, demonic. I would also call them sub-human. Satanic.

My heart bleeds for the father and daughter from Virginia killed in the hotel attacks. Someone mentioned that they themselves belonged to some "kooky cult" but all I know about them (which isn't much) is that they were into meditation. Which I am, in a certain fashion. They traveled to India to enhance their spirituality. Is that worthy of a death sentence? I can only shake my head, and can't help thinking about the relationship I have with my daughter and how it might evolve over the next ten years.

What sickens me most is the knee-jerk moral relativism that we often see here. There is something called "Manning's Corollary" to Godwin's Law. It states that:

In any online conversation about an incident of violence perpetrated by adherents of Islamic fundamentalism, the conversation will inevitably devolve into claims that Christians commit the same type and degree of violent acts, regardless of how demonstrably false that is; further, the claim will be made that past historical violence involving Christians means that present-day Christians are morally incapable of denouncing current violence involving Muslims.

and was formulated by Erin Manning, a co-blogger with Rod Dreher over at Crunchy Con. If you feel masochistic, take a look at this thread here.

Am I to be tarred-and-feathered by stating the bleedin' obvious: Islamic fundamentalist terrorism is most likely the greatest violent threat we currently face throughout the world. Not the IRA. Not the Buddhist Japanese cult that poisoned their subway system a decade ago. Not rednecks or "Christian" militia or neo-Nazis. Islamic fundamentalists, all of whom are Muslims. Not all Muslims are terrorists, obviously, but all Islamic fundamentalist terrorists are Muslims. I hope that Obama has the courage to enact the appropriate measures to continue to keep us safe over the next four years the way that George Bush, like him or hate him, has.

Two prayers:

Jesus, rightful Advocate of peace, Elegant Champion of reconciliation, Your victories echo harmoniously. You taught me the way towards peace, my assurance of congenial oneness. Teach me to carry the torch of peace, That it may reside within my heart and radiate in my surroundings. Through the Grace of Your power, transform the world into a Heaven. You are the only hope of mankind: You are the most gracious Peace Maker!


Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host - by the Divine Power of God - cast into hell, satan and all the evil spirits, who roam throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls.


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