Wednesday, November 5, 2008

My Vote

Last night I voted for Sarah Palin. Well, for President I voted for McCain, ’cause I had to, but really it was only because of Palin I did so.

Sarah Palin was treated despicably by the mainstream media and by the nightly talk shows. She is as outside of the Beltway as one can get, actively and demonstrably pro-life, and has more executive experience than her running mate or the pair of lawyer-professional politicians running against her. I hope she is able to rehabilitate her undeservedly trashed reputation by 2012. She, and all Republicans, need to remember that the mainstream media is an arm of the Democratic Party. There are no friends on CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, NPR, or the dead tree media. Better to ignore them; focus efforts instead toward the newer media. Start with Fox News and talk radio and NRO.

McCain, to me, was simply Bob Dole 2008. Old, tired, uninspiring, a failed loser who played the “now it’s my turn!” card. Maverick maverick maverick maverick when what we really need is a principled, strong leader. Appeasing and timid. Wishy-washy on the embryonic stem cells. Had he not picked Palin, I would have proudly and with a clear-conscience voted third party this election.

I will never vote Democratic. Someone who I read regularly has coined nicknames for the two parties. The Republicans he calls the Stupid Party (see the autopsies on the McCain defeat over the next couple of days). The Democrats, though, are the Evil Party. Their unrestrained devotion to abortion in all its monstrous forms, their unending crusade to loosen the sexual mores of our culture, their hands constantly in my wallet stealing more and more of my hard-earned money … wrong and un-American. Evil.

Republicans: you are on notice. You have two, maybe three years to bring someone special to the forefront of your ranks. That person must be young, strong, an effective and powerful public speaker, principled deeply in conservative values, pro-life, anti-big nanny state government. I’ve read on NRO that there will be many, many returning vets that could fit that pattern splendidly – think of Eisenhower in 1952 – and that’s the strategy GOP leadership needs to examine. Republicans, take note. I will vote third party in 2012 if you betray me again.

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