Friday, September 7, 2012


Sorry that posting’s been sparse this week – ’twas the proverbial week from Gehenna. Insanity at work, insanity at home. To cope with insanity, Hopper eats insanely, which contributes to insane amounts of manic depressive walking zombie syndrome. Back-to-school, new day-care and after-care adjustments, doubling of work duties, financial stressures, soccer practices, toddler death screams in the dark, be here, there, here and there, don’t forget this or that, oops, forgot this, that –


Can’t decide on a second book reading … so my only pleasure (aside from junk food, that is) is Tolkien. Return of the King, first chapter, is where I’m at, and I’m already wistful that the end is in sight. What will come next? Will anything? Will anything printed interest me again? Ever again?

Probably. Just not while I’m under mental siege.

I do have some posts on the way. As a matter of fact, I’ve preloaded something for tomorrow morning. Dreams – odd dreams, ones that I think have easy interpretation – are the subject of that post.

But right now, I’m looking for some blessed deep sleep.

After a little visit to Minas Tirith.

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